复制 <? php
namespace Application \ Cache ;
class Constants
const DEFAULT_GROUP = 'default' ;
const DEFAULT_SUFFIX = '.cache' ;
const ERROR_GET = 'ERROR: unable to retrieve from cache' ;
// not all constants are shown to conserve space
2. 由于我们遵循的是适配器设计模式,所以接下来我们定义一个接口。
复制 namespace Application \ Cache ;
interface CacheAdapterInterface
public function hasKey ($key);
public function getFromCache ($key , $group);
public function saveToCache ($key , $data , $group);
public function removeByKey ($key);
public function removeByGroup ($group);
3. 现在我们准备好定义我们的第一个缓存适配器,在这个例子中,通过使用MySQL数据库。我们需要定义一些属性,这些属性将保存列名以及准备好的语句。
复制 namespace Application \ Cache ;
use PDO ;
use Application \ Database \ Connection ;
class Database implements CacheAdapterInterface
protected $sql;
protected $connection;
protected $table;
protected $dataColumnName;
protected $keyColumnName;
protected $groupColumnName;
protected $statementHasKey = NULL ;
protected $statementGetFromCache = NULL ;
protected $statementSaveToCache = NULL ;
protected $statementRemoveByKey = NULL ;
protected $statementRemoveByGroup = NULL ;
4. 构造函数允许我们提供关键列名以及 Application\Database\Connection
复制 public function __construct ( Connection $connection ,
$table ,
$idColumnName ,
$keyColumnName ,
$dataColumnName ,
$groupColumnName = Constants :: DEFAULT_GROUP)
$this -> connection = $connection;
$this -> setTable ( $table ) ;
$this -> setIdColumnName ( $idColumnName ) ;
$this -> setDataColumnName ( $dataColumnName ) ;
$this -> setKeyColumnName ( $keyColumnName ) ;
$this -> setGroupColumnName ( $groupColumnName ) ;
5. 接下来的几个方法是准备语句,并在我们访问数据库时被调用。我们没有展示所有的方法,但足够给你一个概念。
复制 public function prepareHasKey ()
$sql = 'SELECT `' . $this -> idColumnName . '` '
. 'FROM `' . $this -> table . '` '
. 'WHERE `' . $this -> keyColumnName . '` = :key ' ;
$this -> sql[ __METHOD__ ] = $sql;
$this -> statementHasKey =
$this -> connection -> pdo -> prepare ( $sql ) ;
public function prepareGetFromCache ()
$sql = 'SELECT `' . $this -> dataColumnName . '` '
. 'FROM `' . $this -> table . '` '
. 'WHERE `' . $this -> keyColumnName . '` = :key '
. 'AND `' . $this -> groupColumnName . '` = :group' ;
$this -> sql[ __METHOD__ ] = $sql;
$this -> statementGetFromCache =
$this -> connection -> pdo -> prepare ( $sql ) ;
6. 现在,我们定义一个方法来确定给定键的数据是否存在。
复制 public function hasKey ($key)
$result = 0 ;
try {
if ( ! $this -> statementHasKey) $this -> prepareHasKey () ;
$this -> statementHasKey -> execute ( [ 'key' => $key] ) ;
} catch ( Throwable $e) {
error_log ( __METHOD__ . ':' . $e -> getMessage ()) ;
throw new Exception ( Constants :: ERROR_REMOVE_KEY);
return ( int ) $this -> statementHasKey
-> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) [ $this -> idColumnName];
7. 核心方法是从缓存中读取和写入缓存的方法。这里是从缓存中检索的方法。我们需要做的就是执行准备好的语句,执行一个SELECT
复制 public function getFromCache (
$key , $group = Constants :: DEFAULT_GROUP)
try {
if ( ! $this -> statementGetFromCache)
$this -> prepareGetFromCache () ;
$this -> statementGetFromCache -> execute (
[ 'key' => $key , 'group' => $group] ) ;
while ($row = $this -> statementGetFromCache
-> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ) ) {
if ($row && count ( $row ) ) {
yield unserialize ( $row[ $this -> dataColumnName] ) ;
} catch ( Throwable $e) {
error_log ( __METHOD__ . ':' . $e -> getMessage ()) ;
throw new Exception ( Constants :: ERROR_GET);
8. 当向缓存写入时,我们首先确定这个缓存键的条目是否存在。如果存在,我们执行UPDATE
复制 public function saveToCache ($key , $data , $group = Constants :: DEFAULT_GROUP)
$id = $this -> hasKey ( $key ) ;
$result = 0 ;
try {
if ($id) {
if ( ! $this -> statementUpdateCache)
$this -> prepareUpdateCache () ;
$result = $this -> statementUpdateCache
-> execute ( [ 'key' => $key ,
'data' => serialize ( $data ),
'group' => $group ,
'id' => $id] ) ;
} else {
if ( ! $this -> statementSaveToCache)
$this -> prepareSaveToCache () ;
$result = $this -> statementSaveToCache
-> execute ( [ 'key' => $key ,
'data' => serialize ( $data ),
'group' => $group] ) ;
} catch ( Throwable $e) {
error_log ( __METHOD__ . ':' . $e -> getMessage ()) ;
throw new Exception ( Constants :: ERROR_SAVE);
return $result;
9. 然后,我们定义了两种方法,可以按键或按组删除缓存。如果有大量的项目需要删除,按组删除是一个方便机制。
复制 public function removeByKey ($key)
$result = 0 ;
try {
if ( ! $this -> statementRemoveByKey)
$this -> prepareRemoveByKey () ;
$result = $this -> statementRemoveByKey -> execute (
[ 'key' => $key] ) ;
} catch ( Throwable $e) {
error_log ( __METHOD__ . ':' . $e -> getMessage ()) ;
throw new Exception ( Constants :: ERROR_REMOVE_KEY);
return $result;
public function removeByGroup ($group)
$result = 0 ;
try {
if ( ! $this -> statementRemoveByGroup)
$this -> prepareRemoveByGroup () ;
$result = $this -> statementRemoveByGroup -> execute (
[ 'group' => $group] ) ;
} catch ( Throwable $e) {
error_log ( __METHOD__ . ':' . $e -> getMessage ()) ;
throw new Exception ( Constants :: ERROR_REMOVE_GROUP);
return $result;
10. 最后,我们为每个属性定义getter和setter。为了节省篇幅,这里没有全部显示。
复制 public function setTable ($name)
$this -> table = $name;
public function getTable ()
return $this -> table;
// etc.
11. 文件系统缓存适配器定义了与前面定义的相同的方法。请注意md5()
复制 namespace Application \ Cache ;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator ;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator ;
class File implements CacheAdapterInterface
protected $dir;
protected $prefix;
protected $suffix;
public function __construct (
$dir , $prefix = NULL , $suffix = NULL )
if ( ! file_exists ( $dir ) ) {
error_log ( __METHOD__ . ':' . Constants :: ERROR_DIR_NOT ) ;
throw new Exception ( Constants :: ERROR_DIR_NOT);
$this -> dir = $dir;
$this -> prefix = $prefix ?? Constants :: DEFAULT_PREFIX;
$this -> suffix = $suffix ?? Constants :: DEFAULT_SUFFIX;
public function hasKey ($key)
$action = function ($name , $md5Key , & $item) {
if ( strpos ( $name , $md5Key ) !== FALSE ) {
$item ++ ;
return $this -> findKey ( $key , $action ) ;
public function getFromCache ($key , $group = Constants :: DEFAULT_GROUP)
$fn = $this -> dir . '/' . $group . '/'
. $this -> prefix . md5 ( $key ) . $this -> suffix;
if ( file_exists ( $fn ) ) {
foreach ( file ( $fn ) as $line) { yield $line; }
} else {
return array ();
public function saveToCache (
$key , $data , $group = Constants :: DEFAULT_GROUP)
$baseDir = $this -> dir . '/' . $group;
if ( ! file_exists ( $baseDir ) ) mkdir ( $baseDir ) ;
$fn = $baseDir . '/' . $this -> prefix . md5 ( $key )
. $this -> suffix;
return file_put_contents ( $fn , json_encode ( $data )) ;
protected function findKey ($key , callable $action)
$md5Key = md5 ( $key ) ;
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator (
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator ( $this -> dir) ,
RecursiveIteratorIterator :: SELF_FIRST);
$item = 0 ;
foreach ($iterator as $name => $obj) {
$action ($name , $md5Key , $item);
return $item;
public function removeByKey ($key)
$action = function ($name , $md5Key , & $item) {
if ( strpos ( $name , $md5Key ) !== FALSE ) {
unlink ( $name ) ;
$item ++ ;
return $this -> findKey ( $key , $action ) ;
public function removeByGroup ($group)
$removed = 0 ;
$baseDir = $this -> dir . '/' . $group;
$pattern = $baseDir . '/' . $this -> prefix . '*'
. $this -> suffix;
foreach ( glob ( $pattern ) as $file) {
unlink ( $file ) ;
$removed ++ ;
return $removed;
12. 现在我们准备介绍核心的缓存机制。在构造函数中,我们接受一个实现CacheAdapterInterface
复制 namespace Application \ Cache ;
use Psr \ Http \ Message \ RequestInterface ;
use Application \ MiddleWare \ { Request , Response , TextStream };
class Core
public function __construct ( CacheAdapterInterface $adapter)
$this -> adapter = $adapter;
13. 接下来是一系列的包装方法,它们从适配器中调用相同名称的方法,但接受一个Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface
复制 public function hasKey ( RequestInterface $request)
$key = $request -> getUri () -> getQueryParams () [ 'key' ] ?? '' ;
$result = $this -> adapter -> hasKey ( $key ) ;
14. 为了从缓存中检索信息,我们需要从请求对象中提取键和组参数,然后从适配器中调用同样的方法。如果没有得到结果,我们设置一个204
复制 public function getFromCache ( RequestInterface $request)
$text = array ();
$key = $request -> getUri () -> getQueryParams () [ 'key' ] ?? '' ;
$group = $request -> getUri () -> getQueryParams () [ 'group' ]
?? Constants :: DEFAULT_GROUP;
$results = $this -> adapter -> getFromCache ( $key , $group ) ;
if ( ! $results) {
$code = 204 ;
} else {
$code = 200 ;
foreach ($results as $line) $text[] = $line;
if ( ! $text || count ( $text ) == 0 ) $code = 204 ;
$body = new TextStream ( json_encode ( $text ) );
return ( new Response ()) -> withStatus ( $code )
-> withBody ( $body ) ;
15. 奇怪的是,向缓存写入的结果几乎是一样的,只是希望结果是一个数字(即受影响的行数),或者是一个布尔结果。
复制 public function saveToCache ( RequestInterface $request)
$text = array ();
$key = $request -> getUri () -> getQueryParams () [ 'key' ] ?? '' ;
$group = $request -> getUri () -> getQueryParams () [ 'group' ]
?? Constants :: DEFAULT_GROUP;
$data = $request -> getBody () -> getContents () ;
$results = $this -> adapter -> saveToCache ( $key , $data , $group ) ;
if ( ! $results) {
$code = 204 ;
} else {
$code = 200 ;
$text[] = $results;
$body = new TextStream ( json_encode ( $text ) );
return ( new Response ()) -> withStatus ( $code )
-> withBody ( $body ) ;
16. 正如预期的那样,移除的方法非常相似。
复制 public function removeByKey ( RequestInterface $request)
$text = array ();
$key = $request -> getUri () -> getQueryParams () [ 'key' ] ?? '' ;
$results = $this -> adapter -> removeByKey ( $key ) ;
if ( ! $results) {
$code = 204 ;
} else {
$code = 200 ;
$text[] = $results;
$body = new TextStream ( json_encode ( $text ) );
return ( new Response ()) -> withStatus ( $code )
-> withBody ( $body ) ;
public function removeByGroup ( RequestInterface $request)
$text = array ();
$group = $request -> getUri () -> getQueryParams () [ 'group' ]
?? Constants :: DEFAULT_GROUP;
$results = $this -> adapter -> removeByGroup ( $group ) ;
if ( ! $results) {
$code = 204 ;
} else {
$code = 200 ;
$text[] = $results;
$body = new TextStream ( json_encode ( $text ) );
return ( new Response ()) -> withStatus ( $code )
-> withBody ( $body ) ;
} // closing brace for class Core
接下来,定义一个测试程序,你可以把它叫做 chap_09_middleware_cache_db.php
复制 <? php
define ( 'DB_CONFIG_FILE' , __DIR__ . '/../config/db.config.php' ) ;
define ( 'DB_TABLE' , 'cache' ) ;
define ( 'CACHE_DIR' , __DIR__ . '/cache' ) ;
define ( 'MAX_NUM' , 100000 ) ;
require __DIR__ . '/../Application/Autoload/Loader.php' ;
Application \ Autoload \ Loader :: init ( __DIR__ . '/..' ) ;
use Application \ Database \ Connection ;
use Application \ Cache \ { Constants , Core , Database , File };
use Application \ MiddleWare \ { Request , TextStream };
好吧,需要一个运行时间长的函数,那么质数生成器,我们来了! 数字1、2和3是质数。我们使用 PHP 7 的 yield from
语法来生成前三个数。然后,我们直接跳到 5,并继续往前走,直到要求的最大值。
复制 function generatePrimes ($max)
yield from [ 1 , 2 , 3 ];
for ($x = 5 ; $x < $max; $x ++ )
if ($x & 1 ) {
$prime = TRUE ;
for ($i = 3 ; $i < $x; $i ++ ) {
if (($x % $i) === 0 ) {
$prime = FALSE ;
break ;
if ($prime) yield $x;
复制 $conn = new Connection ( include DB_CONFIG_FILE);
$dbCache = new Database (
$conn , DB_TABLE , 'id' , 'key' , 'data' , 'group' );
$core = new Core ($dbCache);
复制 $fileCache = new File (CACHE_DIR);
$core = new Core ($fileCache);
复制 $uriString = '/?group=' . Constants :: DEFAULT_GROUP;
$cacheRequest = new Request ($uriString , 'get' );
$response = $core -> removeByGroup ( $cacheRequest ) ;
你可以使用 time()
和 microtime()
复制 $start = time () + microtime ( TRUE ) ;
echo "\nTime: " . $start;
复制 $uriString = '/?key=Test1' ;
$cacheRequest = new Request ($uriString , 'get' );
$response = $core -> getFromCache ( $cacheRequest ) ;
$status = $response -> getStatusCode () ;
if ($status == 200 ) {
$primes = json_decode ( $response -> getBody () -> getContents ()) ;
复制 } else {
$primes = array ();
foreach ( generatePrimes ( MAX_NUM ) as $num) {
$primes[] = $num;
$body = new TextStream ( json_encode ( $primes ) );
$response = $core -> saveToCache (
$cacheRequest -> withBody ( $body )) ;
复制 $time = time () + microtime ( TRUE ) ;
$diff = $time - $start;
echo "\nTime: $time" ;
echo "\nDifference: $diff" ;
var_dump ( $primes ) ;
另一个可能的缓存适配器可以围绕着备用PHP缓存(APC)扩展中的命令来构建。这个扩展包括诸如 apc_exists()
, apc_store()
, apc_fetch()
和 apc_clear_cache()
你可以考虑按照PSR-6对之前描述的缓存适配器类进行轻微的修改,这是一个针对缓存的标准建议。然而,这个标准的接受程度并不像PSR-7那样,所以我们决定在这里介绍的示例中不完全遵循这个标准。有关PSR-6的更多信息,请参考http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-6/ 。